What is the best way to ask a question about your programs or MACROCoach?

Please DM Matt on Instagram at fitdieselstrength. He answers interested 1-on-1 clients questions via speak message so they may receive a detailed understanding in a succinct and time saving manner.

How do I know if your program or MACROCoach is right for me?

Please view the testimonials of our current clients and the videos of our clients as they walk-through their process and progress. This will give you a great understanding for making the educated decision to move forward and be accepted to our 1-on-1 coaching roster.

What is this going to cost?

We offer several programs at different price points. Please see our Programs, Prices & Promos page under Services for a more accurate picture of costs. You may fall under a special category and get a discounted price. Also, be on the lookout for promos and the occasional limited-time-only, temporary price drops.

In general, for 1-on-1 clients, the overall physique transformation, health, and wellness will cost about $300.00 a month. However, if you just want to use MACROCoach, this will cost about $30.00 a month.

What is the difference between 1-on-1 Coaching & MACROCoach?

MACROCoach was created for people who cannot afford 1-on-1 coaching. The major difference for MACROCoach is that it coaches conservatively and will typically take longer to reach your goals than 1-on-1 coaching. An educated coach is able to discern information from the client and use that data in a more efficient manner. For example, a coach is able to perceive that an external factor (i.e., hydration) is at play in the average weight change versus an internal factor (i.e., fat gain). If the client is educated at a fundamental level in a science based approach they would be able to utilize MACROCoach at its optimal level (i.e., no wasted time).

Additionally, 1-on-1 clients receive The Why behind the science. MACROCoach does The What and The How for you and provides messaging and videos to help educate you. However, a deeper understanding and education of The Why and typically a faster coaching process is what 1-on-1 clients pay more to receive. Also, another of the main benefits our 1-on-1 clients receive is the ability to ask direct nutritional questions to our Fit Diesel coaches. MACROCoach only users do not have access to the knowledge base of our coaches.

What is MACROCoach?

MACROCoach is a dietary interface that helps coach you to coach yourself. You are provided resources to read and videos to watch to help educate you. MACROCoach changes your calories and macronutrients and other micronutrients on a weekly basis based off of your progress. If you begin to have nutritional questions, you may fall into a 1-on-1 coaching situation. One of the main benefits 1-on-1 clients receive is the ability to ask direct nutritional questions to our Fit Diesel coaches. MACROCoach only users do not have access to the knowledge base of our coaches.

Can I switch from MACROCoach only to 1-on-1?

There is a 1-on-1 coaching limit. We want to accept everyone, however Matt is in high demand from professional athletes and not everyone may be accepted. If you are interested, please do not wait. If our roster fills up, we can put you on a waiting list, and that time period may be a few weeks or several months. It will ultimately depend on other 1-on-1 clients reaching their goals and transitioning solely to MACROCoach.

I want to sign up, now what?

Please select the Clients tab at the top and select Signup. This will take you to our signup page where you will create your account and service you would like to signup for. Select Create Profile & Make Payment button. This will take you to the Services Page where you will double check your options. Lastly, you will select I am ready to pay and this will take you to our payment page. You will have instant access after payment is successfully made.

I am already signed up, what is next?

After you have successfully made payment, you will be have instant access to our system. Select the Nutrition link and then select MACROCoach. Go the How To Use section and watch the video by clicking Play Video where it says New to MACROCoach? This is the beginning of your educational fitness journey and what to do during your first week. You should also read each part of the How to Use section by clicking each individual tab. Their are pictographs of how to use the system , nutritional info, diet plan descriptions and video and, what to expect. All you need to be successful is in this section.

Are there subscriptions or recurring payments?

Yes. There are subscriptions / recurring payments. All payments are done on a monthly basis. You are able to select the time period you wish to have access to our services. If at the end of your service period / subscription, you choose not to continue, you do not have to do anything further. You will not be charged again.

Please note, there are no refunds if you choose not to continue or take advantage of your access. For example, if you signup for 3 months, but choose only to participate for 2 months, you will NOT be refunded for the last month. We highly encourage you to take advantage of our system for as long as you have asked.

What are your refund policies?

In general, No Refunds
We have one hard and fast rule at Fit Diesel for MACROCoach users. Once someone has signed the NDA and Release and has access to our proprietary coaching methodology, we do not refund. There are honest people and there are dishonest people, and there is no way to determine who is honest or dishonest. A person could sign up, read the material, watch the videos, and request a refund in attempt to coach themselves or others.