
The Proof is in the People

" Week 1 utilizing the Dietary Interface is going great. Using Fit Diesel all the way to the stage this season bro! "

" ... Having Matt and the @fitdieselstrength interface alongside me during this prep has changed EVERYTHING for me. "

" My collaboration with @fitdieselstrength this season has literally been heaven sent ... Last week, we took my BEST physique ever to the stage ... And let me tell you, we are cooking up something even more special for the Natural Olympia in 7 weeks.

For anyone that is interested in a 100% science-based approach to fat-loss and physique improvement, you absolutely need to shoot Matt and his staff a message ... You will never make a better decision for your fitness goals, I promise! "

" I am indebted forever to my INCREDIBLE Coach, Matt Estridge, Owner of @fitdieselstrength. He took me from a middle of the pack physique to an OLYMPIA CHAMPION in 5 months! I am in awe of his work ethic, his attention to detail and his commmitment to me - the athlete. He is so thorough that it is annoying! In a good way! ... I love you bro! "

Select to see my journey

- Colin Congo (PNBA Mens Physique Mr. Olympia)

" As a former SEC Division I athlete and 6-year NFL veteran, I have been around some of the best nutritionists and strength and conditioning coaches in the world. Fit Diesel ranks among the top. "

- Shane

Video testimonial of Estefania, Fit Diesel Client.

"... I am a very proud client of Matt Estridge from Fit Diesel coaching ... Its been an amazing experience working with him ... I really appreciate how he has taken the time to give me the science behind how my body is working and why it reacts in certain ways ... understanding how to integrate that food-freedom of being able to eat whatever I want ... "

- Estefania

" August-November. 16 weeks. I have gone from eating 1600 calories to over 2500 calories a day. SO MUCH FOOD.

Guess what, I am still losing weight. I am also dropping fat and maintaining muscle.

'Rachel, everyone knows that dropping fat and maintaining muscle is not possible.'

Oh but it is. It is called science. So now I am eating all the time, constantly, and I am enjoying all the carbs.

People restrict their eating thinking they will lose weight. Yeah they will, but they destroy their metabolism in the process. I am restoring mine.

I also get the feedback, 'but yea you workout all the time.' Nope, I do 2-3 short runs a week now and weights 3 times a week, no more than 45 min sessions. It is all science.

There is nothing better than smashing a giant burger and fries with your husband and not worrying about gaining weight. I am below pre-pregnancy weight and back in my old jeans. "

- Rachel (Healthy Mom)

" I knew I had to make a drastic lifestyle change when I was first diagnosed with cancer, but I never knew the amazing journey I would embark on with Matt, MACROCoach and their metabolic build program. It has given me the confidence and strength to allow my body to fight cancer, lupus, and be an active single mother of 2 boys under the age of 7. There's no harder wake-up call then going to back-to-school at night then to discover your 6 year old has drawn a picture of you 'sick on the sofa'. As much as I wanted to crawl into a hole and 'ugly cry', I got up and did the d*mn thing!!

Now my oldest son is drawing pictures of mommy and 'lil bro' swimming at the pool, going to the park, and so much more! Not to mention, my body is now in the best shape it has ever been, and yes ... that includes my early 20's! I'm so excited for the journey ahead. My advice for newcomers; there's no better time than right now! "

- Joni

" Only meal plan I have ever been on where I do not feel hungry. Force feeding myself cauliflower gnocchi so I can meet my daily carb requirements. "

- Anne Marie (Fit City Pearl & Former Tennessee Titans Cheerleader)

" It's been an interesting year. I decided to change from keto to a more sustainable diet, but it was been a struggle. I didn't know what I didn't know. I failed to have an exit strategy leading to weight gain, food binging, and returning to some bad dietary habits.

I've struggle with food and diet for most of my life. Food guilt and body dysmorphia play a part in my daily life. However, my story is far from over. Over the past few months, I've been working with Fit Diesel on a science-based approach to rebuild my metabolism from years of dieting and my relationship with food. Over our time together, I've lost 5 lbs (which doesn't sound like much, knowing my history), but I've increased my metabolism by 1000 calories during the metabolic build process. I'm really excited to see what 2023 has in store for my physical fitness.

I had to come to the realization that not everyone wins every match. Even the best sports teams have off seasons, the best hitters have slumps, and so on. This has just been mine.

To quote the great Happy Gilmore, 'It ain't over yet, McGavin. The way I see it, we've only just begun.' "

- Greg

" I started working with Matt when I was 11 months postpartum and struggling with dramatic changes to my body composition. My nutrition plan at that time left me feeling stressed, deprived and depleted - I knew I needed to try a different approach.

After our initial discussions, I immediately felt that Fit Diesel would be a perfect match for me ... I loved the idea that my plan would be completely customizable based on my body and its data points.

While working with Matt for the last 16 weeks, I have increased my metabolism significantly, upping my daily caloric intake by almost 80%. My physique has improved ... but of equal importance are the mental/emotional impacts. Within just two weeks ... I was much happier, and no longer feeling stressed or overwhelmed. Even my husband noticed and commented on how much my mood had improved.

Additionally, this program has repaired my relationship with the scale ... Fit Diesel has also improved my relationship with food. Before working with Matt, I noticed that relationship was becoming unhealthy ... I still focus on eating nutrient-dense foods but I have zero guilt when I deviate.

Becoming a Fit Diesel client is one of the best decisions I have made relative to my self-care. Invest in yourself, it is absolutely worth it ... "

- Taryn

" I'm a 40 year old husband and father of one. I am also a cancer survivor who has always struggled with my weight. I found my fitness bottom a few years after successfully defeating cancer. Then, shortly thereafter, I unexpectedly lost my father, he was only 65. I decided to go on what I playfully call my post-cancer 'victory lap', which included a lot of bad eating and little to no exercise.

Like father, like son, we were suseptible to weight gain and his passing made me think deeper about my own fitness and the desire to live longer for my wife and our daughter. So, I jumped on the keto diet and I did find success. I dropped about 50 lbs, but like most, I found keto to be hard, if not, impossible to sustain. I gained most of that weight back within about 8 months.

I know how to workout and I enjoy lifting, but I never had any real understanding of nutrition. Enter Matt Estridge, Fit Diesel and MACROCoach.

I would join up with Matt and MACROCoach on October 1, 2022 ... downloaded the free version of MACROCoach to find my TDEE. I was 251 lbs and eating 2100 kcal/day when I began my metabolic build process. Today, on December 31, 2022, after 13 weeks of building my metabolism, I weigh 229 lbs and I'm eating 3400 kcal/day. I'm beginning a conservative weigth loss phase. I hope to get to 205-210, but ultimately it will be about how I look vs what the scale says.

Nobody's journey is the same, we have all traveled different paths, but some struggles are similiar. MACROCoach is a program that is science-based, effective and my favorite part ... sustainable.

If you are tired of 'starting over', failing and all the depression that comes with that failure, please give MACROCoach a look. You don't need to suffer. You can eat what you like to eat. If you ever said, 'There has to be an easier way' ... well, there is and this is it. I wish I would have found Matt and MACROCoach earlier in life, and sometimes I wonder if my Dad would have gotten a few more years if he had jumped on something like this.

MACROCoach is a life changing program. I'm blessed to have found it and I hope you will find it too. You really have nothing to lose, but weight, come join us. "

- Brad

" Today, I had an appointment with my endocrinologist, and I am fired up! November of 2021 I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes with an A1C of 11.6. Immediately I was told, 'Stop eating carbs, you can have a little bit of fruit, but don't go crazy'. He didn't even check to see if I was still making insulin, 'Just take these pills and leave carbs alone', his words.

So, like most people, I get on social media looking for information. I came across a couple that tell people, you can revese Type 2 Diabetes. Some recommended a plant-based diet. Well, I like to get my protein from animals, but if going plant-based was what I had to do, I was willing.But, I kept searching.

Then, I found Fit Diesel's Instagram page. Watched some of Matt's videos on the science-baed approach, and he made it make sense. So, I DM'd him. I asked, 'What do I need to do to reverse Type 2 Diabetes?' He replied, 'You need to lose body fat.'

So, I repeated that to the plant-based people and I asked, 'By going plant-based, am I just using this food as a mechanism to lose body fat, thus reversing my Type 2 Diabetes?' They replied, 'Yes, this is just our preferred way.'

I started working with Matt in July of 2021. He raised my metabolism over a couple month period from 2000 calories to 3000 calories. Meanwhile, I lost 4 lbs and at least 2 inches around my waist! After 8 weeks or so of increasing calories, it was time to start losing fat. I started with Matt weighing 217 lbs and a 41 inch waist. As of this morning, I am 194 lbs, and have a 36 inch waist. Not only that, I had an appointment with my endocrinologist this morning, my A1C is down to 6.4 from 11.6. He told me to STOP taking metformin! He could not believe the results. He even said, 'If you want to pump the brakes on the dieting a little, do it'not so hectic, you can.'

Thanks, Matt. I am not finished. I will still continue to use your services and MACROCoach. It is by far the best App out there. I know, because I have used several. "

- Chris

Certain clients may not be named or pictured due to their current occupation.
" This summer I was offered a position as a Special Agent with the Department of Homeland Security. Prior to going to the academy I wanted to lean out, increase my performance on the PT test, and build up my durability to survive a 6 month academy even though I am in my mid-30s. I met Matt and we got to work. He used the metabolic build process as well as some non-traditional workouts to help me accomplish my goals. He kept telling me to trust the process. I did, and the results speak for themselves. In just 3 months I lost 21 pounds while also increasing my lean muscle mass. I cut nearly 2 minutes off of my mile and a half time. And during the PT test I did the most sit-ups in the class and the 3rd most push-ups! I could not be more excited with the results and I would highly recommend Matt to anyone looking to increase their physical fitness level and accomplish their fitness goals! "

- Fit Diesel Client

" Now it is official I am with @fitdieselstrength thank you Matt for believing in my work!! Matt will be leading my body 100% with diets for all my BJJ competitions thank you so much! Oss! It a pleasure to be with @fitdieselstrength !! ... "

- Johnathan Rodrigues (Professional BJJ Competitor)

" A year ago I was being told I needed to take all these supplements and thyroid meds, the doctor told me to eat nothing but protein and vegetables and zero dairy or fruit, etc. I was in constant stomach pain. Could not get myself to feel better no matter what I tried. I am only taking glutamine supplements now. That is it.

I think one of the biggest things I have noticed is that I was eating too much "healthy fat" before I started this ... to follow the numbers you gave me I had to cut way back, but as a result my digestive issues have gone away. I was having a lot of stomach pain before which i think now was gall bladder pain from all the fat in my diet and very low carbs. That combined with drinking a lot more water than I thought I needed ...

... The Hydration is so key. I honestly did not believe you on that one until I followed your plan. If I do not get enough water for a day, my sleep is off, weight is off, etc. I did not know how crucial that was. I thought I was drinking enough before.

I am no longer having afternoon "crashes", I have one cup of coffee in the morning and I am good to go. My brain feels less foggy. I feel like my body is much better fueled. I do not even mind having to weigh and measure stuff. It is kind of hard to go out to eat, but I try to eyeball things as best I can. So far I have not gone off the rails and eaten a whole cake or anything god knows I am so full from all the fiber that I have no desire to!!!!

My husband has commented on how much better I feel. He was deployed for almost 2.5 years and when he got home a year ago my health was a train wreck. I was literally doubled over in pain the whole first week he was back stateside. It was awful. My body literally was not getting what it needed at all, even though I thought I was doing all the right things. It is crazy when I think back to that time. "

- Christina

" ... I want to thank @fitdieselstrength. Matt's scientific approach to nutrition is the perfect match for me.
As a mom to a young daughter, I was cognizant of my relationship with my body and the scale and Matt's experience working with PP women as exactly what I needed.

His philosophy minimizes the emotional aspect of weight loss. I am down 14 lbs, but increased my strength through a slow and sustainable fat loss under his guidance.

For the first time in decades, I own a scale and weigh myself almost daily. This number is a data point which allows him to customize my plan on a weekly basis. Weight loss is not linear, and Matt always finds the perfect way to coach me through whatever challenges I face. "

- Fit Diesel Client

" I am eating more and down 3lbs. My body responded pretty quickly to the right things so, I am blessed there, but absolutely AMAZED at the changes so far and how great I feel in my workouts. "

- Niki Riat (Advocare Diamond Distributor)

" I absolutely love Matt's science-based approach to nutrition, and I love having food freedom! MACROCoach is very different than any other app I've seen before regarding nutrition, exercise, weight management, macros tracking, and a bunch more. It's easy to use and offers lots of informatvie videos that thoroughly explain what you're doing, why you're doing it, and what to expect! It's literally virtual coaching and eased my mind about all things food intake.

I have suffered from food fatigure (eating the same things over and over for 2 years) because I was too afraid to veer off course and ultimately gain weight. Sadly ... I did just that. But, MACROCoach has me back on the right track again. And, my stress levels about weight gain and food choices have gone back down now. I'm not afraid of food anymore because I trust this process and the science behind it.

My strength and endurance in the gym have gone up. I feel good while I'm doing CrossFit 5x a week and have lots of fuel for my workouts. My body is getting what it needs and starting to look better in terms of muscle tone and definition. My confidence is going up and I'm seeing small wins, which is very exciting and making this so much more enjoyable.

I can't be more grateful I found Matt on social media, and I have MACROCoach to guide me daily. "

- Jonanne

Video testimonial of Jimmy, Fit Diesel Client.

- Jimmy (IBJJF Competitor)

" After struggling for years working on finding a healthy way to live, I came across Fit Diesel on TikTok. Wow ... what a game changer.

I have been a dieter for years. I have done South Beach, HCG Diet (500 kcal/day), Keto, 'Balanced', Carnivore ... you name it, I've tried it. I did lose weight, but never comfortably and I could never sustain the lifestyle long term. So, I gained it all back ... and most of the time, more.

So, I decided this time I wanted to take a different approach. I wanted a coach, but not just some random person that didn't have knowledge and not someone that was going to tell me I couldn't eat. I wanted to learn how to eat what I wanted, but in a healthy way.

This year alone, I have taken my husband out of state for a brain and back surgery. I have taken my son out of state for neurosurgery. And, I sat alongside my grandmother as she passed away. My life is alot and I needed nutrition to be accomodating to my life. Have you ever tried to eat keto at a hospital? It's not easy.

So, I took a leap of faith and signed up for MACROCoach after listening to many of Matt's lives and videos. I started MACROCoach eating 1600 calories consistently. I ended my metabolic build eating 2200 calories. More than that ... I LOST WEIGHT during that time. I started at 193 lbs and ended that phase at 188 lbs. 600 more calories per day eating whatever I wanted and lost weight! My mind is blown.

I feel better that I ever have and this is only the beginning. I am a few days into my lose weight phase and I have never found it so easy to diet. I will be back with my progress as I continue thru this journey. If you are interested in learning how to live a healthy comfortable life ... use MACROCoach. If you want that extra bit of understanding and guidance ... use MACROCoach with one-on-one coach ... You won't regret it. "

- Laura

Matthew worked with Matt (Fit Diesel) to get ready for the NFL Combine.

- Matthew McGothlin (University of Tennessee & Kansas City Chiefs)

" Thank you to Matt Estridge, Fit Diesel LLC, for getting me on weight in the most professional way I have ever experienced. I have been trying to manipulate my weight most of my life - as a grappler, but I have never done it the way Matt did it for me for this tournament. In a matter of 3 weeks he got me on weight (nailed it perfectly) with a loss of about 15 pounds while keeping me hydrated and fueled up with the right foods! Matt is the man."

- Johnathen Knight (BJJ NOGI World Championships Bronze Medalist)

"Matt Estridge!! Thank you!! Johnathen is in the best shape ever !! He was so excited that he was 1 lb under when he weighed in!! It works!!! Thanks again!!! "

- Johnathen's wife

Comments on her diet plan using Fit Diesel:

" I already lost 3lbs in less than a week, eating more!! And my stomach flattened a lot!!! So happy!! "

Dietary Breakdown

" fast, while dieting?? Do you have to overthink it? Does it taste good? Does it make you want to cheat?

I do not have these thoughts anymore since finding my sponsor, Fit Diesel LLC! My meal plan, and workouts are tailored to my body and fitness goals ... "

Comments on active shooter:

" Very honored to know and proud of my personal trainer, Matt Estridge!

Not only is he a top fitness instructor, but also conducts active shooter training; which I personally feel is imperative at all of our schools and large public events.

You may think it couldn not happen to you, but even two years ago, my family had no clue what to do, when an active shooter was present at a shopping mall in Atlanta. Everyone panicked, ran, there was no order; I myself was terrified.

It starts with us having the knowledge and training, to prevent this from happening again. Too many lives have been taken, in such little time!

If you are interested in this program, please contact him ASAP. "

- Shonjrell Ladner (Mrs. Tennessee International 2018)

" I found Fit Diesel's MACROCoach after years of low-carb, low-calorie and yo-yo dieting ... I've tried it all.
In September 2022, I started MACROCoach on the metabolic build plan at 209 lbs eating 2138 kcal.
On December 4, 2022, I weighed 197 lbs and was eating 3408 kcal.
My strength and intensity during training are through the roof. MACROCoach is the real deal. "

- Brandon

" Whether you seek to increase your knowledge in firearms and/or tactical training or you are ready to make the next big advancement in your health and fitness training, Matt at Fit Diesel can and will guide and assist you in achieving your goals. "

- Jon Dysert (Owner of Gracie Baja Seymour)

" In my opinion, Fit Diesel is the best nutrition and fitness program that exists. Matt is the only one I trust when it comes to nutrition and fitness. Matt's approach is the most sustainable since you can eat any food you want. Nothing is off limits. Matt built my metabolism by approximately 1,000 calories and I gained minimal fat due to his conservative approach. I even lost fat while increasing my metabolism throughout the metabolic building process.

Metabolic building or reverse dieting allows you to build a healthy relationship with food since you are not restricted to certain foods. Matt's approach truly works and the data speaks for that. Matt is very knowledgeable in the nutrition and fitness field and is credible due to his extensive education and training as well as all of the people he has worked with and continues to work with. My strength increased significantly, even when I started the fat loss and leaning out phase. I feel energized and fueled for training but also maintain that same energy throughout the day. I feel the best I have ever felt mentally and physically. "

- Vinny

Over the course of about 2 years, I was able to lose almost 60 lbs, increase my metabolism by close to 1400 calories a day all while not starving myself and eating the foods I like.

Select to see my journey

- Rick

Fit Diesel Client worked with Matt and increased his vertical jump 5 inches in 6 weeks

- Fit Diesel Client (50 yr old male)