Fit Diesel App

Use the Fit Diesel App for all your dieting needs

You will learn what your body needs and find your personalized macros and get you on your way to a new you.
You will have 24/7 access to our online dietary interface, where you will be able to track your progression.

Fit Diesel App

About the Founder

Look, Feel & Perform your best with Fit Diesel App

Who we are

The Science
  • Utilize science-based strength, conditioning, & nutrition programming via double blind peer reviewed studies
  • CSCS Certification (2003)
  • Cooper Institute Certified Law Enforcement Fitness Specilaist (Current)
The Experience
  • University of Tennessee Mens Athletic Department Strength & Conditioning Coach (2003-2005)
  • Department of Homeland Security Counter-Terrorism Agent Field Office Fitness Coordinator (2013-2014)
  • Department of Homeland Security Subject Matter Expert Strength Lesson Plan co-Author (2014)
  • University of Tennessee Olympic Strength & Conditioning Coach Intern (2017)

    What we do

    1. We find and assess your metabolic rate from your bodies data weekly.
    2. We assess what nutritional plan your body needs (lose weight, gain weight, metabolicly build, lean muscle gain, and maintenance).
    3. We build your metabolism. This means more food, more calories, and dieting on higher calories.
    4. We or the interface change your calories and macronutrient goals weekly depending on your bodies data and your goal.
    5. We educate you on what you are doing and why you are doing it so in time you may be your own coach without the need of us or other trainers.
    6. We teach you how to maintain your progress throughout your life instead of re-gain via scientific knowledge.
    7. We teach you the science of calories eaten in 24 hours is king not a magical diet or food you have to eat the rest of your life. However, we stress a nutritious balance via fiber goals.

    Fit Diesel Program Results